Sunday, September 25, 2011
Noemi's Baptism
Loom Hats and Scarves
We've started a new Service Project at the Center. Actually it's a continuation of a project started by the previous Senior Sisters. We are making hats and scarves for an Orphanage here in Buda. We even have some of the missionaries helping us. Elder Olsen is on his third scarf. We hope he doesn't get transferred soon, he's a big help for our project.
Eva's New Skirt
This is one of our YA - Eva. She just got baptized in August. Such a sweet girl- Unfortunately she is now living in Germany. We miss her. She wanted us to make her a skirt before she left. My friend Mari sent a few skirts and Eva happened to like one. She wanted it a little tighter and shorter but that was it. It was easy to fix. I think she looks darling in it. Thanks Mari
Saturday, September 24, 2011
End of Summer Party
Of course after every party there's always clean up. We were very fortunate to have lots of people stay to help with that. As you can see Elder Conklin is now very familiar with "tulle" and Elder Lundeen likes to speed up the clean up process by carrying two tables at a time. Funny how taking it all down is so much quicker that putting it all up. But it was worth it - we all had a great time.
Friday, September 23, 2011
End of Summer Party
This is a picture of just a few of the kids who came. It was hard to get them all because they were in so many different rooms on our floor. We are fortunate to work with a great group of YA. We had a great time at this party.
End of Summer Party
Some of the YA came in costumes. This is Klaudia and Laura - both darling girls. It was fun to see what they did to dress up. We played a few games. This is a cupcake walk. They loved it. They always love everything even if it's as simple as getting a cupcake. They are so easy to please which makes whatever we do so worth it.
End of Summer Party
We were so pleased with how everything turned out for this party. We had lots of food so we were happy so many came. We had fasirt, potatoes, kalacs, corn salad, watermelon and a vegetable tray. Of course we also had a wide variety of desserts. Some of the senior missonaries even brought YA to this party. It was so nice to have their support. I think everyone had a good time.
End of Summer Party
We had lots of help decorating for the party. The Council chose the color-scheme. They wanted it to be black, white, silver and blue. We couldn't find the right color blue for the balloons so I showed the girls how to make tissue-paper flowers. Arpi and Judit have been dating for a while. I think they loved hanging the tulle. They told me it looked like wedding decorations.
End of Summer Party
This is Jeanie and Timi making Fasirt for End of Sumer party. Jeanie said after seeing how they make it, she's surprised anyone would eat it. It's ground pork with onion and rice. They make into balls or patties - then coat it in bread crumbs and fry it in oil. Even though they aren't healthy, they taste pretty good. Andras is one of our investigators. He works for a chef so he knew how to cook the fasirt. He stayed for a couple hours helping Timi cook it. Our kitchen smelled like fried food for 3 days after the party.
Elder Johnson and Elder Conklin
These are the new Office Elders. Such nice young men - Elder Conklin loves to joke with people and Elder Johnson loves laughing at the jokes. They are pretty fun together. We sure enjoy working with them. I altered some pants for Elder Conklin. The other night in English class he told his students all about it. I thought it was so funny he would share that with them. He told them that even though I'm not a professional tailor ( which is an understatement) he thougth I did a nice job of making the pants fit him better.
Tie Skirt
One of the new missionaries arrived with a tie skirt on. So funny that she made one. Sister Breithaupt has been wanting me to help her make one for months. Now we can see what they look like finished. Unfortunately Sister Breithaupt left a few weeks ago. But she left the ties with me, so maybe I will have time to make one for her. The Elders have hundreds of ties so we will have plenty to work with if this idea catches on.
Service Project in Gyorlo
There was a service project for this lady in our ward. She needed her yard cleaned up. I was so excited to go and really do some major work. But when we arrived she handed us buckets and told us we would be picking berries because that's a woman's work. I was hoping they would be blackberries so we could make yummy cobbler but they were these tiny little orange berries that I didn't think tasted very good. So told us they were magical. One tiny berry would give you all the vitamins you needed for the day. Amazing!!!!! Currently I'm not feeling super - I have a little bit of a cold. I guess I'd better go to her house and get some magical berries so I can feel better. :)
Zolts Baptism
This is the Bagozzis landlord - Zolt. He was recently baptized. He's an opera singer. He met the Sister Missionaries a few months ago. Sister Roderick is also an opera singer so they hit it off right away. He sang in a concert in August. He's kind of funny because he's very proud of his talent. He sang at his baptism as well. We were very happy for him. We don't have alot of men join the church so we think he will be a great addition.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Viktor and Lina's Wedding
Viktor and Lina are a young couple who come to the Center. They just got married the end of August. They are such a cute couple. They seem so happy together. They will be sealed in the Freiburg Temple in October - around the 12 or 13th. They won't know until they get there. Apparently they go and are told which day when they arrive. But we are very excited for them.
Zone Conference
We had a special Zone Conference here in Buda. There was an Art Exhibit at the Buda Castle with giant paintings of the Savior's Life. Pres Baughman paid for all the missionaries to see it. So we were standing at the Castle waiting for the missionaries to arrive. What a great sight to see this group of young men walking together.- truly the Army of God. I'm so lucky to get to work here with them.
Roktar Cleaning
Elder Miller and Elder Conklin were so fun to work with cleaning the Roktar. I have been wanted to clean and organize it for months. I was so glad to have a chance to do it and also to have such great help. We had several trash cans full of stuff that was outdated. Now it looks so great. You can find everything you need so much easier now. I'm sorry I didn't take a "before" picture so you could see how much better it looks. You'll just have to take my word for it.
Eva's Baptism
This was Eva's baptism. Csaba baptized her. The Sister missionaries all taught her so Sister Wright and Sister Johnson were allowed to come back for her baptism. Sister Hall and Sister Bodily are here in Buda now. Eva just moved to Germany for a better job. We made her a skirt before she left. She loved it. We are going to miss her.
Lundeen and Davies Birthday
The Assistants both had birthdays close together so we had one birthday party for both of them. Their birthdays were August 10 and 13th. They are really nice young men. It was a fun party. The Baughmans had some of their family visiting so we invited their grandson to the party. He had a great time blowing out the candles. He thought it was so fun that I let him have a turn. Why not??? I'm a grandma - that's what we do.
Clean up Hungary Day
Once a year they have a special day where you can't put all your large trash items on the street. It was pretty crazy because people really dumped alot of stuff. Then the Gypsies come by and go thru all of it before the trash trucks pick it up. I was shocked how much stuff was out there. But sure is a good way to clean things up.
Gofri Est - Park Activity
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