We work alot with the Office Elders. On my birthday they were wearing matching sweaters so I thought it would be fun to take a picture with them. The other picture is with Elder Smith. His companion Elder Davis made me a pan of cheese cake brownies which you can barely see. The other cake Jeanie made for me. -- So that made 4 cakes for my birthday. In addition there was a cake mix in the package Megan and Rachelle sent. Good thing we walk alot here. :)
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
These presents arrived before my birthday. Steve sent the potted plant somehow thru a florist here in Hungary. ( He's so clever) The package from Megan and Rachelle came the same day only just a few minutes later with all the fun stuff in it. But the first presents to arrive were when Jana and Candy came to visit me. They brought me a present from them and also one from my sister, Christie. So before my birthday even started it was fun.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Elder Murray and Sister Johnson
Elder Murray and Sister Johnson came into the Center on Transfer Day because both of them got "greenies" to train. Elder Murray is the one I entered the cake contest with. He remembered it was my birthday the next day so he made me a Red Velvet cake. Such a nice young man - Sister Johnson is a bundle of energy. They were both serving in Buda when I arrived in Hungary. I loved serving with them.
Transfer Day
On Transfer Day many of the missionaries come to the Train Station to meet their new companion. We tried to get a picture with many of the Sister Missionaries. We just got 4 new sister missionaries who aren't in the picture. They are going to be great. They will fit right in with the wonderful sister missionaries we have serving here already.
Jana and Candy's Visit
This is the end of a very fun visit. Here we are at the airport just before Jana and Candy check in for their flight home. We had such a great time.
Jana and Candy's Visit
There's a bike shop right next to our apartment door but it looks like a soda machine. When you open the door there's stairs that go down into the basement. It's pretty funny because you see people coming out of this little small door with their bikes. So Jana wanted a picture of her trying to buy a soda. She's hilarious.
Jana and Candy's Visit
Sunday night we fixed dinner for all of our District. We also invited the Baughmans to come. The dinner was delicious. We made stuffed paprikas, oven roasted potatoes, green salad and Candy's yummy homemade rolls. For dessert we had chocolate pudding cake with ice cream. We let the Elders get in line first. It was pretty funny because that never happens. When I told them to go ahead and serve their plates, they didn't know what to do. Elder Conklin said " Sister Smith, are you sure? This is going against everything you've ever taught us. "
Jana and Candy's Visit
This is the night my back was hurting. After laying on the floor for a while I decided to work on a scarf. As you can see the yarn got tangled so Bob and Wendy ( Elder and Sister Bagozzi) helped me get the knot out. It was a bit of a mess. By the way - the scarf turned out very cute. You can see Jeanie taking our picture in the window. :)
Jana and Candy's Visit
Later that day we went to Heroes square. They have statues of different Heroes of Hungary. Some are Saints, some Kings, some military heroes. As you can see it was a little windy and cold that day. But at least it wasn't raining. At the base of the pillar are 7 men on seven horses. They represent the seven tribes of Hungary that fought for freedom. I was afraid Jana would try to climb one of the horses like Rachelle did when she was here, but fortunately she was able to restrain herself.
Jana and Candy's Visit
Also on Friday we went to the Piac for Paprikas. They are like green peppers only yellow. You can see them in the top left corner of the picture. The flavor isn't as strong as green peppers. We were getting them for our District dinner on Sunday. Too bad you can't find them in California. They are delicious. Jana has our shopping cart that we use to carry everything back to our apartment. It comes in very handy when you've bought alot of groceries.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Jana and Candy's Visit
Jana and Candy's Visit
Thursday we spent most of the day at the Nagy Piac. It's a huge indoor shopping mall. Jana and Candy wanted some souvenirs for their family and this is the place to go. We stopped for a break to have lunch. As you can see, we didn't starve. There was a little miscommunication so we ended up with two huge Weiner Schnitzels. Way more than we could possibly eat. Too bad some of the missionaries weren't with us then. We had a great day but all of us were pretty tired when we got home.
Jana and Candy's Visit
After dinner we walked out on the Margit Bridge so everyone could see the city at night. It is a spectacular sight. You can see the Parliament Building in the background.
Jana and Candy's Visit
Jana and Candy's Visit
After going to the Castle we came home and got ready for a trip to Tatabanya. We met with the YW there to measure them for skirts. We took the Office Elders with us. Elder Conklin and Elder Johnson - Elder Conklin said the Mission Pres is very careful which missionaries he has serve in this area because there are so many young girls. We understood why he said that because these girls were very star struck with the missionaries. But I think it's so nice they have so many in their YW. You don't see that very often in Hungary.
Jana and Candy's Visit
The next day we went up to the top of the hill to see Buda Castle. We are standing right in front of the castle. The other picture is of the Danube from the Castle. It's a beautiful city. The big dome you see in the background is St Stephen's Basilica. It's the largest church in Hungary. His right hand is on display in there. It's kind of creepy to see, but I guess it's suppose to be a cool thing.
Jana and Candy's Visit
Service Project
Me and Laci
This young man also likes to call me mom. He's super nice and very funny. He's holding the name card he made for our FHE chart. He's a little too old to come to the Center but we let him come because he is single and none of his family belongs to the church. He's growing out his beard because he's going to be a Zombie in a Brad Pitt movie. We don't plan to go see it because I'm pretty sure it will be rated R.
Elder Smith
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