Here we are getting ready to leave for the airport. It's about 1:30 pm on Friday March 4th. We were both excited and grateful for the wonderful experiences we had at the MTC. We were also nervous about what we would do when we arrived in Hungary. We were the only missionaries leaving at this time. We had a 10 hour flight from SLC to Paris which left at 5:00. Even though we spent alot of time getting our luggage to weigh the exact right amount, we were still hoping that everything would be Ok when we got to the airport. My suitcases actually weighed 51 lbs each. But the lady at the counter was really nice and told the attendant to put 50lbs - so no moving stuff and no extra charges.
You both look so happy. I know what that plane ride is like. When we went to pick up one of our missionaries we left LA in the evening one day and arrived in the evening the next day after several planes and stops. The ride home was worse and the suitcases were more and heavier on the return trip. I hope you continue to find joy in teaching the people and find many souls seeking further truth and light. I know you were loved by your students here and taught many the Gospel.