We got new furniture for the Center. Sorry the one picture isn't very good. It looked better on my camera. Elder Murray was so excited. He asked me to come help him rearrange it so it would look nice in the room. The "blue room" is where the missionaries in the area teach many of their "programs" - they call them programs instead of discussions. Anyway I thought it looked nice but then he would stand there with his thoughtful look because he wasn't quite satisfied. So the picture of him in the blue room is of his " thoughtful look". He was such a good sport to pose for the picture. Here's a funny thing about Elder Murray - look how tall and thin he is - but boy can that young man eat. We always make him be last in line when we serve dinner otherwise we wouldn't have enough food. Monday night we served Macaroni and Cheese with Hungarian sausage in it. I served his plate nearly half full of mac and cheese ( probably triple what I served everyone else) and he was still standing there. I said "how much more do you want?" His answer " how much more can I have?" I don't know where he puts it. His legs must be hollow.
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