Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Elder Davies and Elder Miller

These are the current AP's Elder Davies - ( the taller Elder) is the one who told the story about Football. He's about 6'3" - 240 lbs. One day in HS they had a substitute coach in the weight room who happened to be a woman. The guys on the team were not very nice to her. He said he knew it was wrong so he just did his own thing and tried not to get involved. The next day his coach really worked them out hard for being so disrespectful. He was very upset that he had to do this hard workout when he had done nothing wrong. His coach called him into his office and said "Davies, I expected more from you" He said it was then that he realized he had done something wrong. He hadn't stood up for what he knew was right. He sat quietly and watched his teammates be rude and said nothing. He said it taught him a very important lesson.

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